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Financial Stress Impacts More Than Just Your Money

A combination of missed mortgage payments, rising credit card debts, and unpaid bills could be distressing, but most people don’t realize that these issues can also be linked to physical health problems. The truth is that financial issues can have an impact on far more than just your credit score.

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How to Choose a Reputable Debt Relief Organization

As consumer debt across the globe continues to spiral out of control, debt relief is becoming an essential concern for many people. After all, getting into debt can be very easy, but getting out of debt is a long, frustrating process for everyone involved. If your debts have begun to pile up, and you need to find a solution fast, then you might consider looking for a debt relief organization to help you consolidate and manage your financial worries. However, it’s crucial to remember that not all of these organizations will provide the same level of care and attention.

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Debt Reduction: 5 Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask

If you’re struggling to see a future beyond debt, the idea of settling that financial burden is probably appealing. If you could just get those debts paid off and out of your hair, then you’d be able to stop worrying, and you wouldn’t feel anxious every time the phone rings.

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Best Practices for Teaching Kids to Handle Money

When it comes to refining the skills we need to successfully navigate adult life, financial competency is essential. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your children important lessons about money that will help them to avoid (or at least be prepared for) some of the cash worries that we face as adults ourselves.

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