How To Bounce Back After Job Redundancy

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For many people, losing their job is one of the most difficult challenges they’ll ever have to face. The combination of emotions and financial concerns may leave you feeling anxious, depressed, and lacking confidence. Unfortunately, the struggling economy has meant that sometimes, redundancy is unavoidable, as businesses are forced to trim their staff pool and cut costs wherever possible.

Losing your job doesn’t mean that you should give up, let the debt overwhelm you, and avoid looking for a way out. The following steps should help you get back on the right track after an unexpected job loss has knocked you down.

  • Step 1: Stop Blaming Yourself

Bouncing back from redundancy becomes easier if you give yourself a break and recognize that you haven’t done anything wrong. There’s a difference between being fired for cause and being made redundant by downsizing or technological shifts in your industry. Chances are that you lost your job not because you didn’t work hard enough, but simply because the business model is changing.

Remember that job loss due to redundancy doesn’t leave a black mark on your record. Other businesses understand that difficult decisions sometimes have to be made, and your subsequent job loss doesn’t necessarily reflect your work ethic or your value as an employee.

  • Step 2: Don’t Burn Bridges

If your position becomes redundant and you’re preparing to depart the company, don’t use it as an excuse to throw insults at your boss. Instead, thank them for the opportunity and leave the relationship on a positive note. Chances are that your boss isn’t making you redundant due to some personal vendetta, and connections will be crucial for future job hunts. It’s important to maintain as many good relationships as possible.

Ask your employer whether they can provide a good reference that will help you to make a positive impression on other companies – most of the time they will be happy to oblige. When you’re interviewing for a new job, resist the urge to speak negatively of your old employers because you’re unhappy about their decision to let you go. Your interviewer won’t appreciate poor behavior, and chances are that you’ll end up leaving a bad impression.

  • Step 3: Make a Plan

Once your position is deemed redundant, the best way to get yourself back on track is to make a plan for how you’ll move forward. Think about what kind of job you’d like to apply for, and whether you’d be happier to stay in your old career field or move on to something new. People who fail to build a solid plan often find themselves feeling adrift.

While you’re job hunting, try to be as productive as possible. Brainstorm new ways to get in touch with potential employers, expand your resume with enrichment training courses, and keep sending out résumés. Regardless of your career, taking a class or engaging in volunteer work can be a great way to show future employers how proactive you are.

  • Step 4: Get Networking

Sometimes, spending every hour of the day in front of your computer searching for a new job isn’t the right way to go about finding new employment. The more time you spend worrying about finding a new position, the more pressure you’ll place on yourself, and the more stress you’ll have to deal with.

Instead, try networking to build up your chances of making a connection that could tip you off about an open position. Most of the time, getting a great job is about who you know, rather than what you know – so if you’re friends with someone in your industry, let them know that you’re searching for work!

  • Step 5: Deal with Any Debt

Perhaps one of the biggest issues that people face after job loss is that their expenses can begin to build up, leading to credit card debt that they can’t pay off. In some cases, you might be able to approach your employer and propose a decrease in working hours or a temporary wage decrease while you search for a new position, simply so that you can still maintain cash flow and meet your obligations.

If you have less income or you’re still struggling with debt after you find a new job, you might benefit from help from a professional who can help you to negotiate your repayments into a more manageable schedule.

If you’re struggling with debt after losing your job, contact our office to arrange a free consultation.