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Simple Ways to Start Saving

Some think saving is a tough task and in some cases that may be true, but it’s not an impossible task. In fact, we’re going to give you some easy ways to start saving, increase the money going into your bank account, and decrease the amount going out.

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What is New Era Thankful for?

It seems it’s that time of year again. The holidays can be a stressful time for people with the pressures of gift-giving and preparing for family get-togethers and parties. Too often we allow the stress and pressure to take over during the holidays and we forget about what is really important: the things we should be grateful for. With the holiday season upon us, we want our clients to know what we are thankful for just in time for Thanksgiving this Thursday.

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Putting “Fun” in Financial Planning

Did we just pair the word “fun” with “finances”? You read that right. Most people dread taking the time to sit down and focus on their finances. Some don’t want to be reminded of the fact that they are living paycheck-to-paycheck, while others just don’t want to spend the time. Financial planning can be time-consuming, but with the explosion of helpful apps designed to assist you in creating a strategy for your finances, it’s not as difficult. New Era has compiled a list of ways to make financial planning bearable, and maybe even a little – yeah, we’re saying it – fun!

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How to Create an Effective Budget That’s Easy to Stick To

We’ve talked about the benefits of budgeting before, so now it’s time to break down the actual budget. How can you successfully create a budget that will work with your personal finances each month? There is a wealth of options for everyone looking to manage and track their dollars, from high-level salaried workers to people on fluctuating freelance budgets. We’re going to give you our tips to help you start saving and achieve financial stability.

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