Make Paying for Produce Pay Off: 5 Tips

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It’s fairly common for people to have “Improve Finances” and “Eat Healthier” on their list of long-term goals. It’s also common for people to mistakenly believe that it’s impossible to eat healthy while being budget-conscious; that you have to choose one over the other.

We however don’t believe in choosing physical health over financial health and vice versa. Here are 5 easy strategies you can take with you to the grocery store to get the most bang for your buck:

1. Buy In Season

You’ve probably heard this piece of advice before when it comes to grocery shopping. Produce that isn’t in season will be more expensive because it is costlier to send off-season produce to regions where they’re not being grown or harvested.

Although many of the produce items you’re looking for will likely be in season, there will be the occasional fruit or veggie that may be harder to come by. When fruits and vegetables are in season, stores will tend to have more of them in stock, which will cause their prices to go down. And remember that if you buy produce in bulk but are worried about what to do with your excess food, freeze it!

2. Keep an Eye on Per Item vs. Per Pound Pricing

Generally, markets will charge their produce based on item or pound. Keep a watchful eye on the words next to the dollar sign – it might sound great that a bag of apples is $4, until you realize that that is the price per pound. That’s why it’s important to check the price of your produce based on total item cost versus per pound cost.

3. Fresh vs. Frozen

During those times when fruits and vegetables are more expensive, head to the frozen section of your grocery store. Frozen produce is not only cheaper, but it will last a long time and usually comes pre-chopped, making your cooking preparation easier.

4. Don’t Buy More Than You Need

Make a list of items you need (rather than want) to buy from a grocery store before you start shopping. This will help you avoid being surprised by a higher pricetag at the end of your shopping trip. Don’t forget to use coupons and to look for sales and BOGO deals to help bring down your overall cost.

Also, remember that many shoppers tend to buy more food items unnecessarily when they’re hungry. Shop with a full stomach. You’ll have a sharper mind and will be less likely to impulse buy a bag of chips that you’ll regret later.

5. Indulge in Leftovers

Depending on how many you’re cooking for, one meal can last an extra day or two. Instead of spending $10 or $20 on just one dinner, you could stretch out your meal to last even longer.

Be mindful of expiration dates when you purchase groceries – you’d be amazed by how much food can go to waste when you let items spoil.

New Era Debt Solutions has settled over a quarter of a billion dollars of debt since 1999 and wants you to be our next success story. If you need assistance in achieving financial freedom, contact one of our friendly counselors at New Era Debt Solutions to learn more about finding the debt relief option that best fits your needs and budget. Our counselors are with you every step of the way.