Why New Era Debt Solutions is the Right Choice

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Even the best of us can get into a financial pickle. That’s why choosing the right debt settlement company is so critical to your financial future.

If you’re still unsure, here are 5 reasons why you can put your trust in us:

We’ve Put in the Time

At New Era Debt Solutions, we take pride in our many years of debt settlement experience. Since 1999, we’ve settled more than $250 million of debt on behalf of our clients. Our team of experts is not only comprised of financial specialists; we’re also made of hardworking support personnel who can provide key insight to your situation.

No Upfront Fees

With New Era you won’t pay any upfront fees whatsoever. We won’t charge you a dime until after a settlement is made. We believe if we haven’t saved you a lot of time and money, then we don’t deserve to be paid.

We’ve Helped Thousands Like You

Carrying a couple thousand dollars in unsecured debt is already stressful but imagine being $20,000-$50,000 in the hole. Over the last several years, we’ve helped clients who were faced with various amounts of debt regain their financial freedom.

Here’s what one client had to say about our services:

“When I lost my job, my husband and I didn’t have enough income to pay our credit card bills, so we began borrowing from one card to make minimum payments on the others. Then, my husband lost about half of his income and we were in big trouble. We had taken out a home equity loan when the real estate market was high and spent all of that.

I had no idea what to do. What a horrible feeling! I couldn’t eat or sleep. I thought we would have to declare bankruptcy.

New Era saved our lives, or at least our sanity. They arranged a single monthly payment that was low enough for us to make and started negotiating with our creditors. They helped us get our lives back.”

Personalized Service

We put our clients first, period. We know that debt settlement plans are not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we keep clients in control of their own money while also providing them all the tools they need to be successful. We assign an account management team to every individual we assist and use our expert negotiators to keep you on the right financial footing.


We don’t exaggerate our client success rates. We don’t hide the cost of our program, information about the percentage of clients who do not complete their debt settlement program, and how long customers participate in the program. All this information is available on our website.

New Era Debt Solutions has settled over a quarter of a billion dollars of debt since 1999 and wants you to be our next success story. If you need assistance in achieving financial freedom, contact one of our friendly counselors at New Era Debt Solutions to learn more about finding the debt relief option that best fits your needs and budget. Our counselors are with you every step of the way.