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Financial Strategies for Families to Follow

Financial stability doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be an opportunity for you to learn more about the best financial strategies for your family and how you can instill the same good habits in your children. New Era wants to give you our best financial strategies for your family to follow!

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How to Envision a Positive, Financially Stable Life

It may be easier said than done to add some positive thinking in your life when dealing with the harsh realities of debt, but some routine positivity may prove to be a greater source of relief. The most important thing to remember is if you want things to change, then they cannot stay the same.

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How to Create a Successful Spending Plan

New Era has started using the term “spending plan” when referring to how you track your monthly expenses. This is different from a budget because instead of focusing on limiting your expenses and how you can’t spend your money, it focuses on your goals and how you can spend your money.

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Does Credit Card Debt Contribute to Poor Health?

It can be effortless to sign up for credit cards when you need money now, but the stress of repaying it back can have negative effects on your health down the road. How does credit card debt contribute to poor health aside from the stress its puts on individuals?

Over $275,000,000 Debt Settled Since 1999!
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