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Ways Millennials Can Be More Credit Card Smart

With roughly 44 million Americans facing student loan debt, you might think that carrying this post-grad debt would be the biggest financial challenge facing millennials today. In actuality, more millennials are facing credit card debt than student loan debt. Of course, paying back student loans is important but so is learning how to budget wisely and capping your credit card spending. New Era Debt Solutions reveals ways millennials can reduce their credit card debt and get a few steps closer to achieving financial freedom.

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How to Make New Lifestyle Changes

Making lifestyle changes is no easy task, but it can happen with the right amounts of dedication, patience, and planning. You are not just committing to your finances when you resolve to get out of debt. You are committing to yourself and your long-term health. New Era Debt Solutions reveals the small steps that will make a big impact in your life to get you on the right path to financial health.

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A Client Success Story: From Financial Hardship to Homeowner

One of our clients from Lancaster, California recently shared an inspirational and encouraging success story about their journey to financial freedom. This story makes us proud to be in business helping consumers gain control of their spending and make the next big steps in their lives. For people like our client from Lancaster, being able to achieve financial freedom meant buying a house. We are happy to have made an impact in someone’s life and look forward to helping others achieve their financial goals. Below, we share the letter he sent to us.

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How to Keep Medical Costs Low

There is a common misconception about people who struggle with managing their finances. They are burdened by prejudgments made by people that immediately dismiss them as individuals unable to control their spending. This could not be further from the truth in most cases. There is one type of expense that has created financial burdens for consumers, and it has been a large contributing factor as to why individuals file for bankruptcy.

Over $275,000,000 Debt Settled Since 1999!
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