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The Money Mistakes You Might Not Know You’re Making

Everyone makes mistakes, but if yours are costing you extra, you need to reevaluate and make financial decisions based on your financial needs. Just because there is a new trend or someone gives you a money saving tip that worked for them, doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do for you. It is important to ask for help when it comes to money management if you are unsure of what to do. Here are some mistakes you might not know you’re making and some solutions to help you get back on track:

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The Toxic Financial Habits that are Hurting Your Bank Account

Sometimes we think we’re doing the right thing with our money, but some financial habits may actually be doing more harm than good. Here are some common toxic financial habits that you should resolve to break immediately if you want to get your finances on track.

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Sweet Dreams: How to Stop Losing Sleep Over Your Money

Yes, your financial situation is important and financial planning is important, but they’re not worth sacrificing sleep. Here are some ways to help you stop losing sleep over your money:

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6 Financial Lessons to Learn Before You’re 30

It’s important to develop responsible spending habits early. Even though most people in their 20s are already in debt and their bad financial habits can be justified by youth or education (or both), you won’t get any sympathy for these bad habits and decisions when you reach the big 3-0.

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