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Why Maxing-Out Credit Cards Is A Terrible Idea

As your credit score improves and your salary increases, credit card companies may reach out and extend your credit limit – and sometimes they even offer high available limits to those who couldn’t possibly afford them. However, you shouldn’t allow yourself to be tempted by ever increasing credit card limits. Remember, that money isn’t yours and you eventually have to pay it back.

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8 Tips To Keep Those Pockets Flush In 2018

New Year’s resolutions might be cliché, but the end of the year still serves as a reminder to step back and reflect on time spent. And your spending habits are a good place to start.

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7 Holiday Traditions to Help Avoid Christmas Debt

It’s time Americans reflect on their relationship with money and excessive consumerism – and there’s no better time than the holidays. Instead of racking up debt to stack presents under the Christmas tree, bring the family closer with these 7 alternative Christmas traditions.

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How To Avoid Credit Card Debt

Americans rely on credit cards a lot. Total US credit card debt amounts to $784 billion, while the average household carries $17,000 in combined balances. Given the median annual income for US households is about $59,000, the average individual credit card debt amounts to nearly one-third of annual earnings.

Over $275,000,000 Debt Settled Since 1999!
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